Many people wonder if turpentine cleans oil paintings. However, this volatile substance can damage your health. It is best to avoid turpentine, which can be hazardous to your lungs and central nervous system. The fumes of tallow are also toxic to animals and plants, so it's important to keep a distance while working with it. In addition, turpentine is very difficult to dispose of, which is why some people use alternative methods.
Turpentine is a common solvent, and is one of the oldest types of traditional solvents that painters use to remove paint. It can be used to clean brushes and palettes, but it dilutes the natural resins in Alkyd paint and medium. For this reason, turpentine can also be used to thin oil paints, though it's not recommended for this purpose. Another good way to clean brushes is to apply a drop of turpentine on a wet brush. You can also use a diluted form of the oxidized varnish or enamel you've used.