There are several different ways to analyze a painting, and the Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is no exception. This article will focus on Van Gogh's interpretation of the night sky, implied lines, and blue synthesis. It will also discuss how Van Gogh used blue and the use of motifs. Regardless of your particular interest, this article will help you understand the painting better and how it is one of best paintings in the world.
Van Gogh Starry Night size
Dimensions: 73.7 cm × 92.1 cm
When did Vincent van Gogh paint starry night?
Painted in June 1889
Where is Vincent van Gogh starry night?
The Starry Night's home is at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Van Gogh's interpretation of the night sky
Starry Night is an early 19th century masterpiece of Dutch painting, and it may contain a hidden religious message. Van Gogh's family was religious, and he had served as a missionary while young. The church steeple stands out in the painting, but more than that, the moon and stars are surrounded by glowing halos. Halos have a strong religious meaning because they imply divinity and holiness, and they are commonly found in pre-Renaissance art.
Van Gogh's synthesis of motifs
In the nigh-time synthesis of motifs in Van Gogh's starry night, a man makes use of his visual memory to convey the awe-inspiring night sky. While this is the first echo of his collaboration with Gauguin since his breakdown, the nocturnal scene also represents Van Gogh's personal aesthetic discovery, the luminous power of darkness.
Van Gogh's use of colors
Aside from the use of blue in his painting, Van Gogh also used various other colors in the painting. He used saturated colors in the center and lighter shades on the outside. He used light green as a transition color between blue and yellow. However, he didn't use blending or gradation to create the starry night scene. In addition, he manipulated light by using directional brushwork.
Van Gogh's reference to the eleven stars
There are several possible interpretations of the significance of Van Gogh's reference to the star constellations. Van Gogh may have been alluding to the story of Joseph in Genesis 37:9, where the eleven stars bow down to Joseph. The Bible describes a similar story, but Van Gogh was more interested in religious meaning. Regardless of its source, Van Gogh may have been referencing the Biblical story of Joseph the Dreamer, whose brothers and father failed to earn him the respect of their peers.