When thinking about where to hang paintings in your bedroom, consider its purpose. The room is meant to provide a quiet retreat from the hectic pace of life. Therefore, the best place to hang a painting in your bedroom is the wall directly opposite or above your bed. For maximum effect, you should hang large scale works above the bed, in the center or opposite of the room.
Best Paintings to Hang in Bedroom
For the best effect, you should choose abstract paintings with muted or desaturated colors. If you do not have the space for a large artwork, you can place smaller ones in the same frames.
The best place to hang artwork in your bedroom is at eye level. You want to avoid placing art too close to the desk, as it will be difficult to enjoy it while working. Instead, you can hang it at eye level or higher, above the sofa, or above sideboards. Landscape paintings look great in a bedroom. You can also hang them above the sideboard or over your sofa. Make sure to choose the correct size and type of frame, too.
If you're looking to hang a painting in your bedroom, it is best to avoid heavy oil paintings. These are not only unsuitable for bedrooms, but can also bring a heavy energy into the room. Instead, choose smaller and lighter pieces. You can even choose pictures of your family and yourself. However, it is not recommended to hang landscapes on your bedroom. If you want to hang landscapes, you should separate the topics and choose a different type of artwork.