Want to commission a portrait? You can start by choosing a size for your portrait. The portrait size will depend on how many subjects you'd like to include. Small portraits may be perfect for corporate offices, but larger ones are best for homes. The portrait size will also determine how many different subjects you can include. Each subject will require a different amount of detail. If you're painting someone's face for a gift, a large portrait will be the best choice.
Small portraits are great for bedroom walls. Medium sized portraits are best for living rooms and are ideal for walls in bedrooms, study rooms, and drawing rooms. The portrait can be easily converted into a tabletop or hanging frame, so you can place it anywhere you want. You can choose a size that will fit into a variety of spaces. You can also choose a size for your canvas that fits your space and your budget.
A large portrait painting is best for large rooms or for large family portraits. These are ideal for large walls and are great for larger families. In addition, these paintings will look more lifelike and appealing. You can also choose a small size for a small living room or bedroom, which is ideal for family portraits. It's easy to add a background and other details to a larger portrait, if you wish.