If you're hanging a picture in a hallway, there are a few rules you need to follow. The height of the picture itself is not important; the main rule is that the picture should be at eye level. If you're worried about looking crowded, try hanging it above a doorway. The height of the doorway will determine how high the frame should be. You should also try to hang a large painting in another room.
When hanging a picture in a hallway, keep it at eye level. The height of the picture should be about six to seven inches above eye level. A tall person may find it awkward to hang a large painting at eye level, and a short person may feel awkward about the situation. To avoid this problem, hang the pictures evenly so that they look pleasing to everyone. The best place for a painting is at eye level, and it will be better received by more people.
The next rule is that the picture should be at eye level. This is not as important in a kitchen, but it is important in a hallway. People in this space usually walk and stand. It is better to have a wide range of sizes and styles of pictures in a hallway. However, you can choose pictures that are slightly higher than that of your kitchen. A large picture with many different shapes will make your hallway look cluttered.