We love to decorate homes with beautiful paintings. And with the huge advancements in the field of wall art; it is now easier to find some beautiful collections for the premises. However, some people are interested in getting nude paintings for their bedroom or may love to gift them to someone who finds such collections more elegant.
You may find many of them online with ease, but the biggest trouble is to decide the right location to hang them in your house. Most of the people are searching it online to get the best tips for hanging nude paintings on their premises. After all, they should not look awkward; rather must create an elegant impression.
Below we have highlighted a few tips that you must follow to decide where to hang nude paintings:
Think about the tone of the nude
Having a penthouse located in the middle of the room creates a much different impression than the Birth of Venus. Before hanging a nude picture randomly anywhere in the house, it is important to think about the social cues highlighted on the canvas. In case if the picture is highly sexual, it must be hanged in the man cave. You can present it as a birthday gift to your beloved husband. Instead of placing it on someone’s head in the common seating area, pick a suitable place for the frame.
Keep it away from the play area
How kids would react to the nudes? They would probably start by making some jokes about penis and boobies; even grownups do the same. But if they will grow up with the same mindset, it may be a bad idea for their tiny brain. Experts do not advise against hanging nudes in the play area or kid’s room; especially when you have too silly housemates.
Pick the right size for the painting
There are so many reasons to be careful while selecting the right size of the painting. Experts advise choosing the small ones as they fit perfectly anywhere. You can hang them on the mantel, at hallways, and on the shelf as well. People like to pair them up with the books and vases on the shelves. Some people even prefer to hang them in the bathroom; but if you have brought a larger painting than the size of the bathroom, there is no way out to its placement. Hence, before you buy the nude painting, it is important to plan where you will hang it in your house.
Are you planning to group them up?
Some of you may even like to create larger wall art with the unique collection of nude paintings. You can plan for the perfect combination of larger and smaller pieces that can create a visual impact. Such grouped nude paintings are a more amazing choice for the master bedroom. Prefer to create a natural flow with a common background or precise variations of colors.
Hope, these simple tips and tricks helped you to create the desired impression in the house with nude paintings.